We groomed principled Women of Faith and Integrity.

Here in Louisville Girls Secondary school, students are encouraged to develop class culture. Each set is divided into three arms and currently four, beginning with JSS 1 2015/2016 set. Each arm usually stays together as a class for three academic sessions (Junior school and Senior school). This helps them to understand one another better and develop sisterly love among themselves. Usually Students are distributed into classes randomly. A class is made up of thirty students. The class teachers are both male and females they play the roles of parents and counselors to the girls. They stand beside their girls at the assembly ground; take the roll call twice daily and meet with the girls for class meetings on a weekly basis. At these meetings, students are given opportunities to express themselves, and receive group counselling. There is also a weekly meeting of the class teachers with the Principal.

Why Choose Louisville?

"When we introduce a young woman to the future and suggest to her that her mind can conceive it, her hands can mold it, and her heart can enfold it, we make for a better world." -Sister Myra McPartland, S.S.L., President We groom principled women of faith and integrity...

Louisville is a small school!

  • Small challenging classes with one-on-one attention.
  • Clubs and activities provide flexible leadership opportunities
  • We know our students as individuals.

Louisville is a Catholic school!

  • Focus on moral, ethical and social decision-making regardless of religious background 
  • Retreats and Pious Society encourage spiritual growth and leadership

Louisville is a single-gender school!

  • Girls take center stage in everything: academics, athletics, students' government, film, and journalism.
  • Louisville helps girls to discover, test and develop their unique talents with confidence.
  • Our integration of technology inspires and motivates girls through creativity and communication.